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Durgamata's Shop

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(based on 485 reviews)

A specialist Religious Education and Art Teacher - I retired a few years ago. Now I am an Entrepreneur. I have created a Programme called The Seven Steps to Happiness. It is all about Reducing Stress, Building Resilience and Increasing Happiness. Before Coronavirus came along I gave Workshops and Retreats from my home. Now I am moving my work online. I share resources on TES to support my wonderful Teacher-Colleagues. Most are free but I spend hours on these so I charge for some of them. Enjoy.




A specialist Religious Education and Art Teacher - I retired a few years ago. Now I am an Entrepreneur. I have created a Programme called The Seven Steps to Happiness. It is all about Reducing Stress, Building Resilience and Increasing Happiness. Before Coronavirus came along I gave Workshops and Retreats from my home. Now I am moving my work online. I share resources on TES to support my wonderful Teacher-Colleagues. Most are free but I spend hours on these so I charge for some of them. Enjoy.
What is Religion? Part one Religion and Me

What is Religion? Part one Religion and Me

The latest of my slide-shows which asks 'What is Religion? using beautiful images, inspiring quotations, thought provoking text and interactive activities. The slides are timed to progress and some animation is used but the activities progress with a mouse-click and can be timed to suit. This resource is great to stimulate thought about religion in its widest aspect or to set the scene for any new Scheme of Work. It takes viewers through two models of religion - the jigsaw and the garden and introduces the great Eternal Questions, exploring identity - body, vital, heart, mind and soul. comments and feedback welcome.
Twenty World Views

Twenty World Views

A 40 page document prepared for students attending 2004 Parliament of the World's Religions - an overview of 20 World Views - including many great World Religions plus Atheist and Agnostic perspectives. It is a good for reference and comparison. Appendix explores Interfaith work, outlines MOE (Minorities of Europe charity) gives a little history of the Parliament of the World's Religions and info about Sri Chinmoy who opened the last two PofWR with silent meditation and music + Swami Vivekananda (star of the first one.) Free to download here (usually pay for this.)
Eid-ul-Adha revised scrapbook Google articles

Eid-ul-Adha revised scrapbook Google articles

In response to a question about teaching Eid-ul-Adha to a year 5 class I have collected a range of articles which inlcude pictures and the web address of a BBC site which has a 3 minute video. I hope this is helpful for the year 5 teacher but it will also be very useful for Secondary RE teachers. It includes many perspectives. I will add to it if/ as and when/ time permits. (note - I have not yet read all this. It is not me who has to plan the lesson - but I have increased the text size to make it easier to read.
Bible, different interpretations, Science, Gays

Bible, different interpretations, Science, Gays

Responding to comment about the Gospels being contradictory, my answer outlines some of the different ways of interpreting the Bible in general – Fundamentalist, Liberal and Conservative perspectives, applied to the story of Creation, the science/religion debate and the issue of Gay Marriage.
What is Religion - an approach for all ages

What is Religion - an approach for all ages

This is a Slide-Show conversation about religion which starts with the answers that a Reception class, part of a workshop I gave in March. Here I explore Religion using models of Jigsaw, Kaleidoscope, Music and Dance and cover concepts of Theist, Atheist and Agnostic I conclude with a section which explores the concept of God. This makes the Slide Show useful for KS4 and older philosophy students as well as younger children. Please give feedback and ratings Thanks, durgamata
places of worship

places of worship

This is a Power Point which explores the concept of Place of Worship and sets a reflective/mind-map exercise and research homework It explores the concepts of both place and worship encouraging reflection on what it means to be a human being, body, mind and spirit - where we go to find inner qualities such as peace and happiness - Very versatile introduction to the topic of places of worship but useful for more than that - including identity and meditation. Please give comments and ratings to help others.
Muhammad and Islam

Muhammad and Islam

responding to a request for help on this topic for a year 5 teacher, I have given an overview of Islam and Muhammad which is based on KS3 but can be adapted for younger pupils. It will also be a useful revision guide and starting place for KS4 students. - (now added a few dates and pictures) As always, please give feedback - and send me more stories and anything else you think would be useful to include, to make this resource as useful as possible.
An outline of Hinduism

An outline of Hinduism

This simple overview of Hinduism can be used to revise or consolidate a unit of KS3 work or to refresh and introduce a unit for further study in KS4. Including both a Word Search and Cross-Word Puzzle to reinforce Key Words, this resource will link with further ones which explore each area in more detail. Currently Under Construction.....
Matters of Life and Death Key-Word Crossword Puzzle for GCSE Religious Studies - Unit 1.2

Matters of Life and Death Key-Word Crossword Puzzle for GCSE Religious Studies - Unit 1.2

This twelve-word crossword-puzzle, with Teacher's Notes and Helpful Hints, is designed to reinforce or revise the main Key-Words for the GCSE Religious Studies topic Matters of Life and Death. This resource includes * 2 versions of the crossword, * Teacher's Notes which include answers and hints - and a * Helpful Hints sheet which you may use to aid differentiation or as the alotted time is nearly up - to speed up completion. Ideal for use as a Starter Activity, part of a lesson introducing the Key Words, extension activity on this topic, homework or revision.
What is Religion - an approach by DurgaMata

What is Religion - an approach by DurgaMata

This is an approach to the subject of Religion which has evolved over about 20 years of teaching in a number of different schools. It is an approach which has evolved in response to a climate of general hostility towards RE, and it has been effective in making a difference, connecting with the students and developing a positive and enthusiastic attitude. I am intending eventually to publish it, including some worksheets I have created and examples of students work - but today I am inspired just to share it here as a free download in the hopes that you may find it interesting and helpful.
An outline of Sikhism

An outline of Sikhism

This simple overview of Sikhism can be used to revise or consolidate a unit of KS3 work or to refresh and introduce a unit for further study in KS4. Including both a Word Search and Cross-Word Puzzle to reinforce Key Words, this resource will link with further ones which explore each area in more detail. Currently Under Construction.....
An overview of Buddhism

An overview of Buddhism

This simple overview of Judaism can be used to revise or consolidate a unit of KS3 work or to refresh and introduce a unit for further study in KS4. Including both a Word Search and Cross-Word Puzzle to reinforce Key Words, this resource will link with further ones which explore each area in more detail. Currently Under Construction.....
Britain's Secret Schindler -  Nicholas Winton

Britain's Secret Schindler - Nicholas Winton

chanel 5 at 8 pm on Thursday 27th Jan - in response to Holocaust memorial day a 45 minute programme about the Kindertransport which rescued Jewish children from Czechoslovakia this is an article about Nicholas Winton and the events around the kindertransport
The Holy Land. An Introduction to Christianity.

The Holy Land. An Introduction to Christianity.

This is a lesson plan for introducing Christianity and the Holy Land. It includes an overview of the history of Europe - with particular attention to the Holy Land - from the 21st Century back to the building of Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem. I aim to create a Power Point to go with this plan.
War poems old and mostly post WW2

War poems old and mostly post WW2

An assortment of war poems which include some from Iraqi and American poets and one from a 15 year old girl written on reflecting her visit to Auschwitz. I researched this in relation to work on Remembrance Day but there are poems here which could be used in many other topics including The Holocaust and all topics related to suffering, good and evil, war and peace.
What Amazes You Most? A poem on Wonder and God.

What Amazes You Most? A poem on Wonder and God.

poem, with introduction composed in response to a year 10 contingent who were quite disaffected and atheist-exclusivist-closedmindedist. It was effective in engaging them with the God question. the poem is quite powerful for anyone to read as a meditation and you can omit the central section which is an exploration of evil/suffering, please give some reviews as this helps other readers find the resource.
Ecumenical Developments in Catholic  + Protestant

Ecumenical Developments in Catholic + Protestant

Including the Second Vatican Council. At GCSE and beyond our students need to learn something about the way that Christians are working together more, particualrly since the Second World War. This outline includes material from Wikki, Catholic and other sources